Domino Death
An Arena for Virtual Mekton
Tackle the streets of our own Geocity at rush hour, and deal with
your opponents as they try to stop you from delivering as many
pizzas as possible before the time runs out. Shuttle from Geocity
Dominoes to your hungry customers, then back for more, or just
try to keep your enemies from delivering theirs.
This time out, the setting is urban jungle, with a ceiling too
high to bother with and a diameter of about 10 miles/16km. In
the center of the arena is Geocity Dominoes Pizzeria, around the
edge are 30 evenly spaced delivery locations, underneath is the
city streets and cement sidewalks. These things are indestructible.
Everything else can be turned into rubble, and the more you do
the more fun you have! Rather than try to give a detailed layout
of the city, which would be void about .05 seconds into play anyway,
I'll just describe the objects, how to kill them, and whether
they shoot back.
Large Office Buildings: Near the center of town are four Large office buildings, each
with three sections having 30K apiece. Shooting out the middle
section will drop the top one, doing 40K damage to anything it
lands on. . . can you say "Domino Death Effect"? Shooting out
the bottom wil topple both higher sections, for a total of 60K
damage. All collapsing buildings are effectivey wide angle:hex
with a range equal to their hieght. Large office buildings are
6 hexes tall.
Medium office buildings: About eight or ten of these decorate the center of town, they
have two sections, upper and lower, 30 kills each. Blowing the
bottom section out from under one is great fun, as they do 40K
of crushing damage to whatever they fall on. Medium office buildings
are 4 hexes tall.
Small office buildings: Thse are hexes tall, have 20K per section, and do 30K when they
falll on something.
Parking Garage: These are about half the hight of a small office building, cube
shaped, and have 15K. They fal mostly straight down, but if you
get an opponent buried under one it will do 10K damage. They,
and most other city buildings, are 50 to 30 meters tall.
Misc. Smaller city building: These are the buffer zone between houses and the city proper,
each having 8K and being too small to really fit a mecha into/under/etc.
Three such buildings are the GTADP hangers, they have 15K aand
are home to GTADP Helicopters in as great numbers as the GM wants,
untill all three are rubble.
House type building: 5K, and don't even ask me about getting buried under one. The
mecha are like three times as big.
Little subcompact cars: 3K. Handy as thrown weapons when ammo starts geting low, they
do 3K to your opponent, plus leave an ugly scratch/smear/etc.
in the paint.
Bigger delivery-type minivan things: 4K. As the suompacts, but not so subcompact.
Geocity Advanced Police Department Helicopters: The only thing even resembling a threat besides the other players,
these fly at MA6 MV -3, and have a 3K energy gun. However, they
only have one kill. That's right. One. And Hot powerplants. They
blow up real good, but never run out until the GTPD hangars are
destroyed and don't count towards your kill/delivery count.
How it works is like this: Everyone enters the arena with a "pizza
box" object and a glowing delivery location on a see-through overlaid
map, at the center of the level. Their job is to get it to the
"customer" as quickly as possible, then get back to the Dominoes
to pick up another pizza. At the GM's discretion, Reflexes or
Piloting rols could be made to keep from dropping the box during
violent maneuvers. If the box is dropped, there are three options:
catch it before it hits the ground (if you're in the air), Make
someone else drop theirs and steal it, or go back for more. Of
course, you could just go on a killing rampage, stopping your
opponents, but what fun would that be? Oh, er, right. Each three
buildings or one opponent destroyed counts as a delivery, the
most deliveries at the end of the time limit wins. Set the time
limit by whatever you think will be the most fun.
Use whatever powerups, or not, in whatever locations as your flinty
little GM heart desires.
Arena created by CrystalDrogn |