The current areas open to BDM's patrons which are listed below:
This is one of BDM's largest, and most popular area's and takes
up a fair amount of BDM's computer power. Representing a one LY
cube of space filled with asteroids of all types and sizes. Some
small enough to blast, knock away, or even used as impromtu weapons.
Others being large enough to land (and fight) upon and can't be
destroyied. But can be used as base camps to refuel and rearm
VM units. OP tries to represent reality as much as possible. Thus
all VM units playing in this area have some sort of flight along
with space environmental protection and low MV's and/or some sort
of M-Pool.
Activity within this area are as follows:
Hide & Go Seek: One or more units must find a item hidden amongst the asteroids
either as teams or as idiviuals. Units may or may not combat each
other while doing this.
Single Combat/Duel: Two units fighting each other until one-or-the other is either
disabled or destroyied.
Race: Two or more units race each other. Either from one end or the
arean to the other or in a preplaned circut within the area. The
oponents may or may not combat each other in these races.
Capture the Flag: Teams of VM units combat each other to capture the flag which
is the oppenents asteroid/supply base.
Total war: Just that. Scores of units, ether induvidualy or as teams combat
each other. The winner it the one who is still standing. Note:
This is the one favored by the various streetgangs who use the
place to conduct turf battles in the vitual insted of in the real
The Asteroid Conflict: A campaign game detailing the conflicts between a number of warring
nations over the Naka asteroid belt. Combining the elements of
Capture the flag and total war the players take the place of mechajocks
from ether side and must work they way up from ensigns as they
try to survive the conflict.
The Last Starfighter(s): Another campaign game. Based on the movie of the same name this
one has Ryosian VM units taking on the Kodan armada (and their
VM units) time and time again along the fronteer. And yes death
blossom VM units are allowed (if you can afford it).
Arena greated by Gary T. Washington
BDM's is a VM arcade set deep in an unnamed american city run
by millti-millonare computer programer, animation studio head,
and one of VM major figures Mohamand "Big Daddy Mecha Lewis, and
his wife Miyo Takuboku-Lewis. Set deep in an unnamed east cost
american city it's one of the it's most popular palces (despite
it's location) and serves a vaired clientel of kids, teenagers,
and adults. Taking up an entire city block it's numerous VM units
are state-or-the-art and the arcade is connected to others worldwide
so players here can combat others from other contries. It also
serving as a place where the cities various streetgangs settle
their differnces (turf or otherwise) in VM combats, insted of
in the real world. |