Now for a word or two on rankings:
The VMA set up the ranking system to classify pilots according
to their skill and experience. This system also, in a VERY general
way, describes the power level of the VM typically piloted by
a person of a given ranking. These rankings are official, and
are recognized internationally, another benefit of membership.
Rank points are assesed, for the most part, by the computer systems
running the arena (the criteria are set into the mainframes, and
are adjusted for and based on the difficulty of the arena). Outside
of the virtual battlefields, the crowd watching (monitored by
the computer systems, of course) can add or deduct REP points, based on cool moves, gutsiness, and attitude diplayed
by the pilots. A good loser won't lose as many REP points as a poor winner gains, and may actually come out ahead
if (s)he fought the good fight. On the other hand, the message
"MECHA TOTALLY ANNIHILATED, YOUR RANKING DROPS 25 POINTS!!!" is a common one, so beware "easy" fights, they can mess up your
REP if you lose.
REP can never be lost, only gained for the first two ranking levels,
as those are considered "learning levels". Once the player has
crossed the line as a "Regular", then REP can be lost, but ranking never goes below Regular.
VMA Ranking Table |
Ranking |
REP Range |
Piloting Skill |
VM type |
Starters |
0000 - 0099 |
0 - 2
up to 150 |
stock VMs |
Novices |
0100 - 0299 |
up to 350 |
modified stock VM |
Regular |
0300 - 0599 |
4 - 5
up to 550 |
Custom VMs |
Expert |
0600 - 0799 |
6 - 8
up to 750 |
Custom VMs |
Master |
0800 - 0999 |
up to 1000 |
Custom VMs |
Legend |
up to 1440 |
Custom VMs
(Be afraid) |
NOTE: These are the OFFICIAL Company Rankings for worldwide comparison
based on the REP of a VM player. It means, if you have a certain
REP, you're entitled a certain Rank. The other columns of the table
are just TYPICAL ranges of what can be expected, but be on your
toes out there... More than a few Novices have had their buddies
whip up a custom VM, and not all Masters will have 1000 CP monstrosities
going after all others. Bottom line comparisons can be done off
of VM Piloting skill and Rep.
To give an indication of where your REP stands here is a sample table to guide you:
- 0000 - 0099 totally new to VM,no real REP at all
- 0100 - 0199 a few know about you, but most just don't care who you are
- 0200 - 0299 You have started to make a name, you are recognized at least
by the Staff, if no one else
- 0300 - 0399 All of the reguler players know you by sight.
- 0400 - 0499 School-wide fame, anybody working with you (that knows about
VM) will recognize your playing style
- 0500 - 0599 Famous across the city, anyone who follows VM there will know
you by sight.
- 0600 - 0699 County/Province famous, as for city.
- 0700 - 0799 State-wide fame, as for city.
- 0800 - 0899 Nationally known, might have won the Annual tourney.
- 0900 - 0999 Everybody around the world who is playing on your same Regulation
knows you.
- 1000 + You are feared or respected (your choice) by every player all
around the world. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid of anyone with this
rep. (currently only Taira Izumi, Isamu Daiba and Kyozo Iwazaky
holds this level)
Keep in mind, that when you enter a VM arena, if you LOSE, your
REP loses one half the REP the winner gains -modified by the circumstances, of course.
Aside from demonstrating your relative standing with the rest
of the crowd, REP does have other uses (and a drawback). REP can be used to assist in Intimidating your opponant, (gives a
bonus of REP/100 to Intimidate), It can be used to keep you from getting Intimidated,
(same REP/100 bonus to resist). It can help you get help to build a VM
if you are going up against someone who is either much better
than you or is known to be trouble (bonus up to the GM). The drawback
to having a REP is that others know what your moves are, so they know what your
capabilities and tactics are. That means it will be hard to suprise
them, unless you do something radically different.