Ronald Richards the IVth stared in shock at the glowing green
messages displayed on the screen of his now dark pod.
"Your Mekton is Destroyed"
"You are dead."
Climbing out of the pod, Ronnie tore the expensive deluxe VR headset
off and threw it across the room, where it was expertly caught
by Bubba Boyd, one of the two "barbarian brothers" who were Ronnies
chief enforcers.
"How the HELL did she do that!" A furious Ronnie demanded of Brian "Nerd" Wilson,
the RLA's VM club technical wizard, who had been montioring the
match from the server.
"She dropped a rock on you, MebagBuck$", he calmly informed his
club president. |
Physical Description:
HT: 5'7" WT: 160# Short neat black hair, Dark brown eyes
Stuck up, sneaky, treacherous. Out and out snobbish and distiandull
of anyone who has less money or family status than his own, Fawning
and subserviant to those in power over him.
Brian "Nerd" Wilson
"Bubba" & "Buster" Boyd
Marvin "Snoop" Domino
Any VM Player not associated with RLA's VM club! Ronnie will
either insult said player or try and cause the player indirect
harm depending on the level of insult perceived on Ronnie's part
No siblings.
Father : Ronald Richards III, Senior VP at Boeing-AREO
Mother: Patricia Richards - Socialite
Assorted aunts, uncles, & cousins in high positions in Politics
& industry
Personal History:
"Rotten" Ronnie spends a lot of time determining just what his
standings in the rankings are. The rest he devotes to antagonizing
other players. He has a high ranking, but also a large reputation
as a "Vulture". Ronnie loves to sucker people into a duel with
him with no restrictions, which often leads to situations where
a Stock Chassis from the VM builder kit finds itself facing the
dreaded Deathpanzer.
His prefered targets are weaker players with simpler VM's. |
"That's impossible! There is no rock big enough in all creation
to hurt the vaunted DeathPanzer! Clearly, the little witch has
cheated somehow, And I MEGABUCK$ shall not rest until I have proven
her trechery to the Grievance council and reclamed the standings
points that are rightfully mine!!" Declared Ronnie in a voice
that could probobly be heard all the way acrsoss Geo Island
Nerd fought off the overwhelming urge to hide his head in his
hands and sigh. Clearly, it was going to be one of those days.
Knwoing his luck, probobly more like one of those weeks.... or
maybe enven one of those months.... |