Rio and Isami exited the store, laughing, bags full of new clothing
in their hands. The two girls were heading now to a jewelry shop,
but as soon as they entered the underground passageway to cross
the street, Rio stopped laughing. She tensed her muscles and put
Isami near the wall. A moment later, a large shape stepped out
of the shadow of an opportunely-broken light globe past the corner.
A second, equally large shape climbed down the stairs behind them
to cut off their retreat.
Rio put herself on guard and turned to have them at the sides
instead of one on her back, but Isami saluted. "Well, hello, Buster,
Bubba. Please, come on!" |
Physical Description:
6'2", 220#, Crew cut Blonde Hair, Blue eyes Usulay wearing Bomber
Jackets and Medium mesh pants in a woodlands camo pattern when
not required to be wearing the school uniform.
Your typical rock for brains redneck... except they have no hunting
or survival skills at all.
the RLA VM Team.
Anyone Ronnie tells them is an enemy.
William Robert "Billy Bob" Boyd; Father, Owner of BIlly Bob's
Bar-B-Q, A large take out BBQ food chain.
Melissa Boyd: Mother: Decased. Died in childbirth of the boys
Personal History:
If RLA had a football squad, these two would be its star players.
As it is, this pair of identical twins form most of ronnies muscle.
A couple of gool Ole boys who have never sen the country, they
never the less ride around in a Cammo painted Hummvee. Consider
them to be quite a bit like human gozilla's... they roar, stomp,
knock down small buildings, but the quicker witted PC's can usually
out think them.
(Note: The boys are identical, so only one set of stats is given.)
The first shape aproached. It spoke with the voice of Gabriel
Boyd, one of the preferred muscles of 'Rotten' Ronnie Richards.
"Isami, Megabuck$ told you he wanted to look at your game disk."
"Yup," added the other shape, this one with the voice of Gabriel's
brother Rober. "He sent us to convince ya'll that cheating him
is not a good Idea."
"Don't tell me that he's still thinking I cheated him just 'cause
I openned that silly tin can of his." answered Isami. "If he's
stupid that's not my fault!"
"Please, Isami, don't make it worse", said Buster.
"We'll take your disk. Now", said Bubba.
Rio sized them both up. "I think you'll find some trouble doing
"I doubt it", they answered.
"That was stereo, right, Isami?", said Rio. Isami smiled.