Freedoms Price
An OVA for Virtual Mekton
This is a fairly linear OVA, I didn't have the inclination to
do all of the If's soooo...
Special rules in effect: players can be killed twice before being
OUT of the OVA 2 teams needed (suggest 2 teams of 3) no SD power-ups.
Part I: the Island City
(Note that there are independant team briefings)
Team 1:
An individual wishes to defect to our nation with vital tech information.
Forces of the Police State were alerted to our extraction by a
(now-in-custody) Traitor. You are to retreive the defector. you
support for this will be a force of (x) (whatever the GM thinks
is OK for his group) CPB Is
Team 2:
Terrorists are trying to kidnap a respected VIP. The terrorist
group has been making threats for some time and they are making
their move - Stop Them! support will be a force of (2/3 of team
1s) CPB IIs.
Setting info
A straightfoward city fight - primary opposition should be the
other sides CPB units, the teams (if at all possible) should only
be able to get off a few potshots at each other.
Both teams are shown a scene where an elderly gent is being bundled
into a vehicle. Team 1 sees a willing gent. Team 2 sees a bound
and gagged gent struggling. the van roars off passing a sign marked
platform 7 lock 3.
Part II The Jungle
Team 1:
Thanks to your efforts he ahs been freed of the police state -
our operatives got him out while the battle raged. The Police
State fears the knowledge he has has fallen into the wrong hands,
so as a preventative measure they had him bugged. We did not discover
the bug in time to prevent an airstrike in one of our foward bases.
The airstrike took out our primary fire control, to make matters
worse the Police State made a lightweb assault on the base computers.
the net result is that all weapons are on Autocontrol and will
shoot anything that moves - be wary of ground forces as well.
Mission: your mission is to buy time for a base evacuation (15
- 20 turns) you are to break contact after being signalled to
do so. A small force of CPB IIs will assist.
Good Luck.
Team 2:
The terrorsts have snuck out the VIP - despite your outstanding
efforts - during the battle. They stole a police van and escaped
via a mini sub - we have tracked them a base deep in the Golden
Triangle. We hit the base with prepratory airstrike, but instead
of getting facilities, we hit a drug cache. Thanks to the efforts
of our "fine" pilots the whole area was covered in drugs, and
we have the local armies shooting everthing that moves( or for
that matter anything that /doesn't/)
Mission: we think there is a convoy of terrorists trying to escape,
capture them. do NOT destroy them. The local governments have
authorized us to perform a search and rescue and realize the state
their forces are in. Return fire if fired upon. You will be supported
by a force of (x) CPB Is. Remember that time is of the essence.
Setting info:
Welcome to the jungle arena. Try not to get hurt.
Interlude IIa: convoy escapes
Everyone sees the base get blown to itty-bitty bits, cut to a
convoy appraoching a concealed airstrip. Team I sees the man board
the plane. Team II see the man drugged and hauled aboard unconcious.
Interlude IIb: the convoy is caught.
Airstrikes and CPBs hit the jungle. Cut to a convoy trundling
along. The convoy gets ambushed by the PCs and a few of the support
force. A short visual battle ensues before the convoy surrenders.
The vehicles are searched and a Non-Com calls out "He's not Here".
Cut to a sampan floating toward an undistinguished city.
At this time the players will be given a 15 minute break to take
care of whatever they want (munchies, bathroom etc etc)
Part III: Pursuit
Team 1:
We got the defector out of our foward base before it fell, so
our luck seems to be holding -barely. We need you to escort the
aircraft he is on to our arctic base. There will be 2 CPB Is supporting
(note: nonflyers will be provided a mecharider)
Mission: escort the aircraft and keep it from being taken down
Team 2:
We are not having any luck against these terrorists. We have intercepted
transmissions that indicate they are moving him north to their
headquarters - cripple the aircraft, but do NOT destroy it. 3
CPB IIs will support you. (note: non-flyers will be given mechariders)
Mission: cripple the aircraft.
Air combat. 'nnuff said there. Note: this is a set up. if the
PCs don't down the aircraft (big large slow target) one of the
CPB IIs will.
Part IV: the russian front! Rescue the defector/VIP
Team 1:
Everyone sees the plane go down with an escape pod launched and
a radio transmission is heard: "Rescue our comarade" and garbage
as the plane slips into a fog bank.
Team 2:
Same as team 1
The russian front. bring warm socks.
Another break for the players to eat.
Part V: The siege
Team 1:
We are under attack by the forces of the Police state, if they
can be stopped then think the UN can reign them in under some
kind of control. your support will be a mixed bag of CPB I & IIs
Mission: stop the other team from breaking through.
Team 2:
We have located their home base. This is your chance to strike
a mighty blow for justice and honor. Your job is to break through
their front line defenses. Supporting you will be a combined strike
force of CPB I & II units.
Mission: break through the defenses.
Golden Darkness stage.
There will be a total of 20 VMs in this for both sides(including
PCs) about 3/4 way through the battle team one will get a call
to break off (or if team 2 manages to get past team 1) because
of an intruder alert. move directly to the last phase
Part VI: Final warfare.
Location: the core.
Mission: destroy the opposition.
If team 1 wins:
Thanks to the efforts of these noble fighters, a major figure
was liberated from opression. This means knowledge has proven,once
and for all, that life in the police state is nothing more than
a country run by domestic terrorism, controlled by brainwashed
pilots. Cut to UN Chamber: The vote is carried to remove the illegal
government of the Police State. If the Police State does not turn
over its power to civillian authority then full military sanction
will be implemented.
If team 2 wins:
Thanks to these individuals of the Thin Blue Line, we have once
again rolled back a wave of terrorism and kidnapping. Last night,
these pilots participated in a raid of the terrorist headquarters,
capturing or killing the majority of their controlling network
- crippling this organizations ability to further its dark aims.
Cut to a ticker tape parade with the VMs walking along and waving.
Roll credits.
Note if either team gets FULLY eliminated then cut to the final
OVA created by Kencyr |