Welcome to VIRTUAL MEKTON, a supplement for Mekton Zeta. You will need a copy of Mekton
Zeta and Mekton Zeta Plus in order to use this game supplement.
Please visit the R.Talsorian Games website (www. and the Atomic Rocket Games website ( for further information on ordering.
This supplement provides setting information as well as game statistics
and advice for running adventures in the exciting world of Virtual
Mekton (VM). This is a world where angst-ridden high school students
battle each other for honor and prestige using virtual robots
called VMs.
This setting is unlike any other, and the possibilities are endless.
Virtual Mekton combines teenage intrigue with kinetic giant-robot combat. No
military ranks, no dashing mecha-jocks, no brooding heros, no
invading aliens., just plain fun.
The world is Earth, the time isn't very far away from today. Not
much has changed. Kids are still kids, parents are still parents,
high-school is still high-school. Nothing has really changed except,
of course, the advent of Virtual Mekton!
(Authors' note: There could be confusion on when the name "Virtual Mekton" and the sigle "VM" is refering to the arcade game the characters are suposedly
playing or to the RPG the players itself are actually reading.
We'll always write the RPG's name on Bold letters -just to let clear the diference betwen the VM arcade
and theVM game).
Virtual Mekton is a wildly popular after-school recreation using
several linked cockpit simulators in a large arcade. These arcade
centers can be found in malls around the world. Not only can the
people play against each other, they can play against anyone that
wants to join from around the world. The games can range from
one-on-one challenges, to multi-player, last-man-standing arena
combats, to team-oriented strategy events. The game environments
are fully immersive, from the simple arenas to the fully-detailed
virtual battlefields complete with weather conditions.
There are two levels of play in Virtual Mekton. The first level
is the classic one-shot arcade games favored by the casual player.
The second level of play is the Campaign mode. In campaign mode
the players can create and modify their VMs to meet new challenges
- and keep their opponents guessing.
The default school location is Intron High in Geocity. Geocity
can be located anywhere in the world to fit your campaign world.
For more information see the chapter on Life In School.