The screen says "insert mecha data cartridge."
This is it, your biggest test. The code that you wrote is as bug-free
as you can determine, and it's time to find out if the price you
paid in lost sleep and poor homework assignments is worth it.
You slot the cartridge and your Virtual Mekton is brought up on
the screen, every flat surface and every fractally-rendered curve
exquisitely perfect. Your weapons glitter with deadly purpose,
your armor's shine bespeaks its ability to refract and scatter
even the most powerful of weapons.
You click the 'accept' button. It's time for your new war machine's
baptism by fire.
The words float onto your screen as your cockpit displays come
Your Virtual Mekton pod closes with a hydraulic hiss.
You flip your helmet's visor closed.
You take a deep breath.
You plant your feet firmly on the walking pedals
You clench your hands tighter around the joysticks
The doors open in front of you.
You shove the joysticks forward as the catapult hurls you into
the air. . . and towards your destiny!
By spetial request:
There is a link to a picture explaining the diferent parts of
the VM HTML sheet we're using.
Please note, this doesn't actually explain the layout of a Mekton
Z mek sheet, but the layout of its links. |
Mecha submitted to date:
 PC Units
- Archon
- Big Mean Boogie Machine
- Bruce
- Cora
- Edge
- Gatillo
- Illumina
- Kindjal
- Long-Shih
- Mad Cow
- Maginot
- Pathbreaker
- WindWalker
 NPC Units
- Beowulf
- Black Ghost
- Black Wind
- Bomberjack
- Brightstar MK VII
- D6 Platform
- DeathPanzer
- Excalibur RTR-5-RX
- Fast Taker
- Fenrir
- Fubuki
- Great Dragon
- Hawker
- Helldiver
- Juggernaut
- King Conan
- Madagef
- Mega Smasher
- Silent Knight
- Terrible Oni Garguan
 CPU units
- CPB Trooper
- Grunt Unit #1
- Grunt Unit #2
- GSB Armor
- Rika (*)
 Pre-made units
- Bayroll
- Brutus
- Firechild
- Gallant
- Gaucho
- Heimdall
- Maginot
- Shingetsu
- Stock Chasis
- Thunder
Ready-to-made units
VM pics looking for stats
- Air Viper
- Spur Dog
- Titan Rhino
More Pre-Made Mecha: The FNMF Tournment 's Wing
The mecha that were originally proposed on the MZML for the Fryday
Night Mekton Fight.
(*) Yes, the NPC Rika is included as a CPU unit. Read her character description to know why! |